A 50-Day Study of the Holy Spirit

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 7 - A Prayerful Mind of His Own

Romans 8:26-28
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.
What a great word—intercede. Synonyms for it include intervene, mediate, plead, negotiate, and arbitrate. Encarta Dictionary defines intercede this way: 1. plead for somebody—to plead with somebody in authority on behalf of somebody else, especially somebody who is to be punished for something.

The idea of intercession reveals some key characteristics of the Holy Spirit. This passage clearly states that the Spirit has a “mind” that the Father “knows.” In 1 Corinthians 2:10-11 this divine interaction is viewed in reverse. In this passage it is the Spirit who searches and knows the mind of God. This speaks to the divinity of the Spirit and the unity of God. But it also gives me amazing encouragement! As the Spirit indwells and intercedes for me, He is connecting me to my Father and Creator! We…the struggling and stumbling followers are being brought before God the Father by God the Spirit!

I have seen a couple of movies in which sailing was prominent in the theme. Usually, there is a master sailor and a learner. And the learner usually makes mistakes and some are pretty costly. But the master sailor always is there at hand to guide and encourage...and correct mistakes.
There have been many times I wished for someone to intercede on my part. It’s why millions of people use tax preparers to do their income tax. If the IRS has questions, they can ask the tax preparer on behalf of the taxpayer. Interceding is how attorneys make a living. The attorney goes to the judge on behalf of their client. It’s why there are technical support phone numbers with most software–-so that when we don’t have the words to explain or express ourselves, there is Someone who can.

I am comforted by the knowledge that when I don’t have the words to express myself to God, the Holy Spirit goes to the Father in my behalf. How does the phrase “helps us in our weakness” reveal the heart of the Holy Spirit as He intercedes for us? It sounds to me that His pleas to the Father on my behalf are filled with compassionate concern. Maybe that is why He is called our “comforter.” Does that comfort you?

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