A 50-Day Study of the Holy Spirit

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 16 - Why Pick on Stephen?

The Spirit helps us know what to say—and how to say it—when we are in perilous or uncertain situations. He helps us to bear witness during these times.

Let’s look at an example of this. Read Acts 6:8-15.

Stephen was one of the men chosen by the apostles to serve within their community. Apparently, he did more than serve—he preached as well. And this made some of his fellow Jewish countrymen really mad at him. Some scholars say that they felt threatened that Stephen was insisting that true worship no longer required temple rites. So they launched their own smear campaign against Stephen, twisting his words to sound like he was attacking God and the Law of Moses. They even produced false witnesses and had them testify that Stephen said that Jesus would destroy the temple and change the customs Moses handed down.

In response to these charges, Stephen gave the longest speech recorded in the book of Acts, indicating how important it was in the story of the apostles and the church. Just before the speech starts, we read in verse 15, “All who were sitting in the Sanhedrin looked intently at Stephen, and they saw that his face was like the face of an angel.”

That description was Luke’s way of indicating that the Holy Spirit was upon the one who was speaking. This was no “off-the-cuff” message!

Now I’m sure that Stephen knew the history lesson he was about to give his accusers would make them even angrier, bur the words he used were positively inspired. That’s exactly what they were- inspired by the Holy Spirit. In fact, as he closes his message in the face of their fierce opposition he states, “You always resist the Holy Spirit!” Stephen had the confidence in Jesus’ words recorded in John 16:1-15 outlined simply: Tough times will come for the disciples of Jesus. The Holy Spirit will be right there with you, bearing His witness as you bear witness. Stephen trusted this promise.

Have you ever been “over your head” in a conversation or a situation and you used just the right words-but you really weren’t sure where they came from? Credit the Holy Spirit. He helps us know what to say and how to say it.

Take few moments to recall that particular moment in time. Was the Holy Spirit helping you? How?

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