Where the Spirit is, there is freedom and life.
Do you remember the last time you played hide-and-seek? Were you found or did you get to come in “free?” As a kid, I probably had about a 50% average—it was pretty evenly split between being found and getting to come in free. But on the times I found the perfect hiding place and got to come home free, it was great!
Take a few minutes to read 2 Corinthians 3:7-18.
In this passage, Paul reminds the Corinthians of the Old Law (the Ten Commandments) which were written on tablets of stone. He reminds them that although that Law was glorious because it was from God, it was also the Law that brought death. He goes on to remind them of the even more glorious covenant that Jesus brought because it brings righteousness and freedom.
What kind of freedom do you suppose Paul is talking about? Again, the Life Application Bible says it well:
Those who were trying to be saved by keeping the Old Testament law were soon tied up in rules and ceremonies. But now, through the Holy Spirit, God provides freedom from sin and condemnation. When we trust Christ to save us, He removes our heavy burden of trying to please Him and our guilt for failing to do so. By trusting Christ we are loved, accepted, forgiven, and freed to live for Him.Paul makes the case that we are to be bold because of this glorious covenant and because of the power of the Spirit within us. The Spirit is the one who speaks these promises and assurances into our hearts when we turn to God in openness and humility. Our boldness comes from His presence in our lives.
People who love to sail go on and on about the freedom they feel when they are running with the wind—when the sail on their boat has caught the wind. Wouldn’t you love to live your life with that kind of freedom? You can. We can.
What “tablets of stone” in your life keep you from enjoying a full sail of wind?
Are you willing to leave those behind and enjoy the freedom that the Spirit brings?
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