A 50-Day Study of the Holy Spirit

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 31 - Instruments of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit convicts people of their sins.

Recently, I’ve read some newspaper articles online concerning local judges who have admitted to taking money for handing out pre-determined sentences—regardless of what the evidence and testimony have been. I am really discouraged when I hear about and know about corruption of justice. Oh, I know it exists…at least cognitively. But when I see the faces of people in the news who were wrongly convicted or wrongly set free, it only intensifies the painful reality.

I don’t envy judges at all. They rarely get to see the good side of people, I imagine. I would guess that judges see the dark side of life a whole lot more often than they get to see the good side. Even when people are convicted of doing wrong, statistical data shows that conviction isn’t necessarily a long-term deterrent for folks who choose a lifestyle that is not in compliance with the law.

In 1 Thessalonians 1:2-10, Paul expresses his thankfulness for the Christians in Thessalonica because of their embrace of God’s Word and their faith and obedience to that Word. He acknowledges the suffering and persecution that the Thessalonian Christians lived with on a daily basis. He affirms that their lives changed when they believed, obeyed, and accepted the power that the Holy Spirit gave them. The Life Application Bible makes this note about verse 5: “The Holy Spirit changes people when they believe the gospel. When we tell others about Christ, we must depend on the Holy Spirit to open their eyes and convince them that they need salvation. God’s power changes people—not our cleverness or persuasion. Without the work of the Holy Spirit, our words are meaningless. The Holy Spirit not only convicts people of sin but also assures them of the truth of the gospel.”

This reminds me of a song we have sung from time to time that is based on the words penned by St. Francis of Assisi. Its lyrics say:
Lord, make us instruments of Your peace.
Where there is hatred let Your love increase.
Lord, make us instruments of Your peace.
Walls of pride and prejudice shall cease.
When we are Your instruments of peace.
An instrument has the capacity for sound, beautiful music, and inspiration, but it cannot play itself. A musician, especially one who is gifted, practiced, and skilled, can bring out the best in the instrument. Judgment—holy, righteous, loving and compassionate judgment—can help tune us to the holy and righteous life God desires. When the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin it is for our good, our benefit. He is not a corrupt judge, jaded by the darkness of our world. He is pure and holy, seeking to inspire and increase the image and character of God in our lives.

Think of one way you could become more open to the conviction of the Holy Spirit in your life. Is there a particular area where you know you need His guidance?

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